Set to Yes for file compression. Files are compressed using a pro- prietary compression scheme that normally saves 50% of disk space. Default: Off Date filter selects only files greater than or equal to the date entered. Default: None Disk size to use for backup. Only valid for floppy disks. Sizes other than that speci- fied may be used, but user will be prompted that the disk is a different size than that specified. Default: Max. Density for Drive Affects processing when files are found on the destination disk. "All" will de- lete all files on all disks with files without prompting. "Prompt" will prompt the user with the following options. (1) View root directory of Disk (2) Erase entire disk (3) Erase Entire Disk and Any Disk That Follow (4) Try Another Disk (5) Abort Default: Prompt All files matching the specified path and file name combinations will be omitted from the backup. Valid DOS wildcard naming conven- tions are allowed. Exclude works in conjunction with the Include parameters. If no path is given for a file spec, then the file spec will be applied to all paths in the Include parameters. Default: None Enter the desired name for this script file. A path may also be designated if desired. Default: TABACKUP.SCR Affects processing when an unformatted disk is encountered. "ALL" will format all unformatted disk without prompt- ing the user. "Prompt" gives the user the following options. (1) Format Disk (2) Format Remaining Disk Automatically (5) Try Another Disk (4) Abort Default: Prompt All files matching the specified path and file name combinations will be backed up. Valid DOS wild card conventions are supported. All of the name components are required: drive, path, file name. Default: None NonStop Flag determines whether the program stops to give the user a chance to change parameters before starting processing. If set to ON the process immediately prompts for the insertion of the first disk. Default: OFF Target drive and path. Path is allowed only when the destination is a hard drive. If the path does not exits, it is created. If the path contains any files including files in any subdirectories below the given path, they are erased after prompting. Default: A: If verify is on the programs checks file integrity which slows processing 30% or more. Default: ON COMPRESS DATEFILT DISKSIZE ERASEOPT EXCLUDE FILENAME FORMOPT INCLUDE NONSTOP TARGETDR VERIFY